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Receptive Language Red Flags
Two or more checks between your child's age range and the ranges before your child's current age suggest your child would benefit from Receptive Language intervention.
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1 year
Does not respond to their name
Is unable to follow simple instructions
Does not recognize words and symbols for objects (such as: cat - meow; car -points to garage)
Cannot point to 2 body parts when asked
Does not understand "no"
2 years
Is unable to point to an object/picture when it is named for them
Does not recognize names of familiar people/objects
Cannot follow simple directions (with gestures and words, and with words alone)
Has difficulty getting an object from another room when asked
Does not wave bye-bye
Cannot identify 2 objects from a group
Cannot follow 1 step commands without a gesture like "put your cup on the table"
Understands less than 300 words
Does not give a toy when asked
1 Year
2 Years
3 years
Has difficulty following 3-part directions
Has trouble recalling parts of a story
Does not understand the concepts of same and different
Does not understand simple time concepts such as "last night" and "tomorrow"
4 years
Has difficulty understanding "yesterday", "summer", "lunchtime", "tonight", and "little/big"
Has difficulty following requests with a positional element, such as "put the block under the chair".
3 Years
4 Years
5 years
Has difficulty following 1-2 consecutive simple directions
Has difficulty listening and understanding stories
Has difficulty following a simple conversation
Cannot identify triangles, circles and squares
Has difficulty understanding "in the morning", "next", "afternoon"
6 years
Has trouble remembering what they hear
Has difficulty following 2-3 consecutive step directions
Knows spatial relations line "on top", "behind", "far", and "near"
Cannot identify penny, nickel and dime
Has difficulty understanding common opposites like big/little
Cannot distinguish between right and left
Holds their head up with their hands when sitting
5 Years
6 Years
7 years
Has difficulty following 3-4 directions in a row
Has difficulty understanding directional words like "here", "there", "over", "next to", "before", of "later"
Has difficulty answering questions about second grade level stories
8 years
Has trouble paying attention in groups
Has difficulty understanding grade level information
7 Years
8 Years
9 years
Has difficulty forming opinions based on what is heard
Has difficulty listening for specific reasons, such as to learn, enjoy, or convince
Has difficulty listening to and understanding information
10 years
Has difficulty listening and drawing conclusions n different classes
9 Years
10 Years
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